Hello World

January 23, 2024

Hi there 👋🏽

I’m Julianne, and welcome to my blog! This is where I share my thoughts and knowledge with the world.

A Little About Me

I’m an IT professional who (at the time of this writing) works in the higher-education sector. I have a strong interest in software engineering and other aspects of computer science. My hobbies include programming, playing guitar, tabletop role-playing games, and video games. For more information about me, check out my about page and now page.

Why I Started This Blog

There are a few reasons why I decided to start this blog.

The primary reason is learning. I spend a lot of my time learning about various topics, and writing about them is a good way to solidify knowledge. As they say, the best way to learn is to teach!

Another reason for this blog’s existence is to share my thoughts and knowledge with the world. I’ve learned many things from many different places over the years, and this is my way of giving back. I know what it’s like to read through blog posts to help with a specific issue, and I want to be one of those people who write those posts. If my writing helps even just one person, I consider that a success.

My final reason for starting this blog is to practice writing. I enjoy writing, but don’t consider myself to be very good at it. Hopefully repeated practice by maintaining this blog will help improve my skills.

What I’ll Be Writing About

This blog will mostly be focused on various computer science topics, such as programming, algorithms, and system design.

I will likely post about other non-CS things as well. Basically, if I’m learning about something then there’s a chance I’ll post about it.

Why You Should Read This Blog

If you want to learn computer science along with a random internet stranger, then this is the place to be! I don’t claim to be an expert on any subject, but I do know a few things and would like to help others know them as well.

Also, if you’re looking for a new perspective on things then this blog may interest you. As someone with ADHD, I tend to have a different view on learning and other complicated subjects. I am not shy about voicing my perspective on things.


If you’ve made it this far, thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to read my disorganized stream of thoughts.

Interested in reading more? Check out my other posts.